Collation the durability of modified and non-modified sulfur concrete in erosive environments

تاریخ ثبت : ۲۵-۱۰-۹۳    موضوع : مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات داراي رتبه علمي    امتیاز: 0 از 5  ( مجموع آرا : 0)
بازدید : ۳۵۳۱

Collation the durability of modified and non-modified sulfur concrete in erosive environments
Maryam Fazli
(The Institute of Higher Education of Eqbal Lahoori,Mashhad,Iran)
International Conference on Advances in civil,Structural and construction Engineering-CSCE, italy, may2014
Published online with ISBN No and will be archived in SEEK Digital Library(
Ref No: - IRED/14/CSCE/E327
رتبه :ISI


 One of applications of sulfur in building industry is producing sulfur concrete (SC). High resistance, in acid environments, gaining high and rapid  resistance, not using water during preparation, the possibility of  recycling and low permeability can be pointed out as the most significant specifications of  sulfur concrete .The present study investigates  the role of acid on mechanical resistances including compressive and tensile strength  on modified and none-modified  sulfur concrete .The implications  indicate that  sulfur concretes are much more resistant against acids as compared with regular concretes .economically, It can be referred  that if preparation of SC becomes more easier, it can replace  regular concrete in a number of regular hydraulic projects.

sulfur concrete, Mechanical resistance, durability, erosive environment

کلمات کلیدی : sulfur concrete ، Mechanical resistance ، durability ، erosive environment ، Maryam Fazli ، پژوهشي ، اقبال لاهوري ، پرتال پژوهشي

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